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The IDTrek concept

We develop for you the best options for outdoor activities in the most interesting places of the world - from Eurasia to Latin America.

Who participates in our trips? Friends, couples, loners - all those who are active, enthusiastic and ready to share with others the curiosity to know the world. Those who like long walks, who like to learn and meet new cultures and new people. Most of our customers have already visited many places, are used to active travel and want to discover fantastic new places.

Our main philosophical principle: it is important not only to choose WHERE to travel, but also HOW to travel.

And that defines our key differences:

1. Originality and development of the route by IDTrek

The project of each route is the result of a long reflection on the idea of a trip, then a careful analysis of the route, not only to observe the other, but also to learn about past cultures and to see the best of every geographic location on Earth. We personally practice each route - climbing mountains, descending into canyons, searching for hidden valleys and weaving through thickets of mysterious castles - all to develop and improve the most fascinating, balanced and unique route for you!

We travel at the best time for this route and at the most appropriate pace, spending the night in safe places: in a tent, in a campsite or in comfortable rooms with the most magnificent view around.

Our hikes will make you discover not only unique tourist sites, but also unexplored corners that are not in the typical routes of travel agencies. We try to create trips all over the world, in which we would like to go, and are happy to invite everyone who wants to actively relax to accompany us.

We also meet and call on the locals, because who better than them can teach us the most about our backgrounds, their cultures, and the most hidden places.

2. Introduction to Culture

In each trip, we immerse ourselves in the culture of the host country thanks to local guides who are in love with their country and nature. Trails away from tourist-strewn roads or just a charming little cafe on the slope of the mountain - all this can only be known to a local expert. These details allow us to turn the trip into an unforgettable experience.

Our trails are also high places of geology, and you will see the works of nature differently after having walked our treks, because you will learn a lot about how our planet acts to shape the landscapes that surround you.

3. Sport

For most treks, age is not a limit: participants of different ages can join the trip, and even teenagers, but some physical stamina is still required. We try to maintain a balance between physical activity and comfort so that you only have positive impressions of the route.

If in doubt, it is important to contact us to assess your skills, some treks are easier than others, and some require more physical fitness. We will direct you to the one that suits you best, so you can assess your skills and join us on other treks afterwards.

also often give the possibility of doing extra-trekking sports activities to enhance the trek such as: cannyoning, paragliding, abseiling, rafting... Make sure you have taken out sports insurance in order to be able to do these activities...

4. Maximum comfort

No matter how many kilometers is far from civilization, the place of travel, we organize life in the most comfortable way possible. Even in cases where the trip takes place in very difficult places and includes accommodation in tents, we try to provide maximum comfort. Accommodation for the night depends on the characteristics of the place of stay. In Europe, for example, we prefer to stay in small private and comfortable hotels and hostels, where you can see all the personal care of the owners for the guests. In Turkey - life is mainly organized around camping with hot showers and electricity or bungalows, even if sometimes it will fuadra without spending one or two night(s) in order to feel nature as fully as possible. In the Andes, each camp can be dismantled and is equipped with a large canteen tent, sanitary tents, large comfortable sleeping tents, camp furniture and lighting. Even here, we provide morning coffee 'at breakfast', and the chef never ceases to amaze with daily delicacies cooked the same day. In Kamchatka, where the weather is unpredictable and changes very quickly and often, we are accommodated in comfortable glampings or adapted tents. In the Caucasus, we will have access to removable camps as in the Andes, but with a tent to change and which serves as a bathroom tent as well as atypical and local hotels.

We try to make you feel the atmosphere of the country as much as possible without with optimal comfort.

5. Ecotourism

5. Ecotourism One of the priorities of our concept and our project is the development of ecological and fair tourism: hiking, visits to national parks and ancient villages, observation of flora and fauna, all this must be done with respect for local peoples and populations. Visiting the pristine corners of the earth, man has a deeper understanding of the beauty and fragility of the surrounding world, as well as the danger of the consequences of active economic activity and the need to form greater interaction harmonious with nature.

The rational use of natural resources, respect for the culture and customs of the local population, has a positive impact on the economy of the region by involving the local population (provision of transport services, supply of local products, service in hotels and on the road) but above all has a positive impact on the environment of these populations who guide us in respecting their land.

6. Security, reliable partners and experienced tour operators

We and our local partners, who accompany us on these trips, always take care of every aspect of the trip.

From the prevention of the onset of altitude sickness (acclimatization period before the ascent) and protection against predators to the control of hygiene during cooking and food in the base camps. In almost all locations where there is no mobile cellular connectivity, the support team has satellite connectivity available as needed. English, French and Russian speaking guides are available on all routes.

In every region we go to, there are brilliant guides who will be dedicated to you, and with whom we are always honored to work.

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